
The Prophaze Cloud WAF detects and blocks suspicious activities using behavioural based threat detection algorithms.

Secure web applications without changing your existing infrastructure or sacrificing performance.

Prophaze Cloud Web Application Security

The Prophaze Cloud WAF detects and blocks suspicious activities using behavioral-based threat detection algorithms.

Secure web applications without changing your existing infrastructure or sacrificing performance. The WAF solution receives about a million

requests every second, and the WAF constantly recognizes and blocks newly detected threats. WAF’s rule sets decreases latency to less than 300 microseconds.

Its offers security control for websites, applications, and APIs hosted on multiple cloud environments. The Protection’s network

shields internet assets across all cloud providers.

Prevent from DDoS and other attacks

Prophaze WAF can reduce the load on its website, this checks for SQLi attacks and XSS attacks for both the network and application layers. When individuals come to a website for help, some offenders can work to compromise the application or steal any valuable information. These people can also launch a DDoS attack to make the application unavailable.

Core Features

  1. Automatic Profiling of the Application and
  2. Creating Dynamic Rulesets
  3. Create your own firewall rules
  4. Visualize threats with firewall analytics
  5. Machine Learning-based behavioral detection

Deep Packet Inspection,
covering applications / Layer 7

Ensures your standard and custom web applications are always protected from SQL injection, cross-site scripting attacks, and thousands more.


Terminate SSL connections without any overhead or additional latency. Apply your WAF policy to SSL encrypted traffic without having to upload certificates or invest in costly hardware solutions.

For GET and POST HTTP/S requests

Covers range of HTTP/S traffic

No hardware, software, or tuning required

Sign up with a simple change in DNS

URL-specific custom rule sets

Allows you to include/exclude specific URLs or subdomains for WAF protection to test domains or include/ exclude specific subdomains.

DDoS mitigation integration

Allows full-stack protection against DDoS — no extra implementation required.

IP reputation database integration

Real-time intelligence on over 1 billion unique IPs used to block malicious traffic — no extra implementation required.

Virtual patching

Fixes a vulnerability before you patch your server or update your code, allowing you more time to patch and test updates.

Restrict by IP or geolocation

Can blacklist/whitelist traffic from specific IP addresses or countries to protect against hackers from specific IPs or countries.

Redefining Your Business Functionalities

Low false positive

Overall 1/50M false positive rate ensures legitimate traffic reaches you.

Full integration with CDN service

Offering outbound content transformation & reducing web latency for your site visitors — no extra implementation required.

High availability

Built on service offering SLAs business and Enterprise customers enjoy 100% uptime guarantee and financial penalties if not met.

Real-time logging

Gain visibility to help you fine-tune the WAF.

Access to raw log files

Enterprise customers can conduct in-depth analyses covering all WAF requests.

WAF Settings

Block Blocking an attack will stop any action before it is posted to your website.

Simulate To test for false positives, set the WAF to Simulate mode, which will record the response to possible attacks without challenging or blocking.

Challenge A challenge page asks visitors to submit a CAPTCHA to continue to your website.
Threshold/sensitivity setting – Set rules to trigger more or less depending on the sensitivity

Customizable block pages Customize the page a visitor sees when they’re blocked, e.g. “Call this telephone number for help.” Available for Enterprise customers.

WAF RuleSets

Automatic learning paired with security-driven research Protects against zero-day vulnerabilities or new threats with patches automatically deployed by our security team.

Zero-day rule sets Rely on the security team to protect you against threats identified across our customer base — included as default with no extra fees.

Platform-specific rule sets for major CMS and eCommerce platforms Receive protection out of the box with no extra fees for platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Plone, Drupal, Magneto, IIS, etc.

Custom rules Cover situations unique to your web application included as default with no extra fees for Business and Enterprise customers.